
Typical: rainy weather in London

Road Surface Water Runoff, Freshwater Ecology And Us

If, following rainfall events, the runoff from sealed traffic and urban areas with the deposits accumulated there are discharged through municipal sewage systems into bodies of water, these receiving waters experience high hydraulic and material loading. With this, freshwater ecology is threatened  morphologically, chemically, and biocoenotically.


For this reasons, an ecologically orientated stormwater management will play an important and increasing role in the future. In particular decentralized measures enable a sustainable urban drainage, preserving the natural water cycle and avoiding the discharge of non-contaminated stormwater into sewer systems.


Bremen-based Büro Holthuis Gewässermanagement is an independent, ecologically orientated contractor specialized on services in the field of surface runoff.  Our engineering proposals comprise monitoring of waters, survey of purification basins and soilfilters  and technical advice for cleanup-devices. Extended knowledge, long-term work experience and and a good cooperation-network allow us to offer customized solutions at fair prices.


Don't hesitate to contact!